How much for a puppy?
Written by Sr. Eduardo Muller (modified)
Let me say a few words to you, yes you, the person who writes an email to simply ask the price. Or the person who wants to give their ‘beautiful’ dog a litter. I also address you; who doesn’t care about papers because I want “just a pet”. No dog is “just a pet”. Behind every purebred puppy is a BREEDER. I’m using capital letters to differentiate a GOOD Breeder from a ‘puppy mill’ or a ‘Backyarder’. A reputable Breeder doesn’t breed dogs without a pedigree, that does not protect the integrity of the breed. Pedigree (papers) are records of lineage that document bloodline & allow identification of possible health issues.
When you tell a Breeder you don’t care about papers what you’re saying is, you couldn’t care less about health & want the cheapest thing you can find! When you select to buy a puppy from a reputable & quality Breeder, this Breeder is responsible for the health of every pup; both dogs owned and every pup they’ve sold for its LIFETIME. This Breeder will skip holidays, miss sleeping, & their personal house space has been turned into space for their dogs. The truly passionate Breeder puts in their whole heart & soul. Not only in puppies that are sold, but also in each client who owns a piece of their heart & now is a member of their family. This does not take into account any puppy/dog who might get sick or need extra help to thrive. Breeders worry about their babies after they leave & will take one back without question. A Breeder will get their hands dirty, often covered in everything accompanied with birth & death. Because that’s what life is about. In the middle of birth & death is life. The wheel that keeps turning. A Breeder will do hip score tests, echoes, x rays, analysis, DNA, emergency c sections, vaccinations, register litters, research pedigrees, deworm, as well as microchip their puppies & get them evaluated by specialists. Last but by no means least, a Breeder CHOOSES the family fortunate enough to have one of their puppies. Yes, you read that right. A true Breeder chooses who they sell to because they are not making money off the sale. There is no compensation that can offset the investment a Breeder has made so they need to be confident it’s the right fit. Many times saying more no’s than yes'. A good Breeder will have different criteria for those wanting to carry on their bloodline, why? Because breeding is not a responsibility to ever be taken lightly, because a dog is never “just a pet” it’s the Breeder’s legacy, a little boy’s best friend, a little girls protector, an elderly persons therapy, a member of the family, someone’s whole world!

The answer is........
pricing is fluid
The price of a puppy changes from year to year and season to season reflecting the many and varied variables at play. For this reason we do not set a fixed price at Sashenka Samoyeds.

We wait until we're expecting...
and consult our fellow breeders
Only then do we communicate a price to potential new Sashenka families. This is done via the Puppy Application Form.