let's get to know each other

The Application Form

At Sashenka Samoyeds, we understand that many families have two working adults & we don't expect anyone to be a superhero & quit a day job just to be able to take home a puppy. However, puppies need time & specialised care, & the purpose of our APPLICATION FORM is for us to get to know you & ascertain the care and environment the pup would experience with you.

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"Every puppy and for that matter, puppy family, has different needs, and your answers help us identify information to be provided and what homes might make the best fit".

If you're a veteran Samoyed owner, we don't want to waste your time regaling things you already know; but by the same token, if this is your first puppy or first Samoyed, we want to make sure you are prepared for what life with a puppy may bring. So, thank you for bearing with us and filling out the application form.